Thursday, 15 August 2013

Miracles and Mercies


Jessica has Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome), congenital heart disease, and severe pneumonia. She has the biggest brown eyes, that look out from such a small pale face. She is so very sick and yet, somehow, still manages a soft giggle as her favourite caregiver, Judith, plays peek-a-boo with her. 

Oh, how she melts your heart ...

She is 9 months old and weighs 4kg. I wouldn't have thought that even possible four months ago ... it is close to a birth weight. She is undoubtedly a fighter but this is the biggest fight she has ever had to face in her short little life. 

She was brought to us from Malabon a few weeks ago, sick with pneumonia ... improved for a short time.... until a second bout of pneumonia hit ... with such little reserve she was so incredibly vulnerable.  

Charity and I rushed her into hospital last week in severe respiratory distress. I spent 3 days and 2 nights in hospital with her ... you do not leave, you cannot afford to leave.  

She was given IV antibiotics and oxygen. No monitors ... and just four hourly observations. In the western world she would have been in intensive care. I did not sleep.  

We brought her home with her IV cannula in situ to continue her IV antibiotics. The short trip home took so much out of her that she could barely take the next breath. To watch a child gasping for air makes you feel just about as helpless as one could feel. We started oxygen and, big sigh, it settled her. 

And then ... her IV cannula failed. We tried finishing the course of antibiotics with intramuscular injections but her exhausted little body simply could not cope.  

She was still so sick. With no means of finishing her course of IV antibiotics (she would not have survived the trip back to the hospital) we had few options left.  We started her on oral antibiotics - a big step down from the IV antibiotics but our last hope. 

And still she is with us. Our little miracle girl. She still needs oxygen to breathe but she is taking small amounts of milk. 

Our little Jessica is still fighting ...

On arrival to hospital last week
Admitted to the ward.....
.... and so little in such a big bed
...... that I needed to nest with her......
Home at last ... and a few days later .... loving the nasal prong oxygen
Yesterday.... she smiled and laughed - miracles can be so very small but so very significant 

I don't know what the future holds ... but all we can do is pray, love on her, and have faith that whatever happens is the best thing for little Jessica. Its not in our hands ... it never is! 

Friday, 2 August 2013

Fun and Frolics on Four

Four months ago brothers Dandy and Edward were so sick they could barely lift their heads off the pillow
And now they barely keep their heads on the pillow.....  they never cease to entertain us all!! 
The Ringleader  - I could watch him all day (with ear plugs in :))
Arwin .... I adore her!! We have spent many an hour visiting hospitals for blood tests in preparation for her 'forever family' from France. We are teaching her French! Too cute. 
Go girl!! 
Edward - the 'carer' of the group - always ready to comfort and lend a helping hand....
He seemed to miss this moment, however .... Robbie,  the youngest brother .
Almost there, Robbie - its not even his T-shirt!
Chylsea with our newborn, Jaiden (now 2 weeks old) .... she is obviously not feeling the
'fun and frolics' but I just had to show the British baby-grow!!! 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Malabon melodies

Malabon ... the place Gentle Hands extends its love and healing hands to ...  

Your heart will surely be offered up as the children gently place their hand in yours and smile up at you ... trusting; as the mothers put their arms around you in gratitude for tending to their unwell child; as the community gathers to share in the music and the singing; as the sick receive love and prayer. It simply matters that someone cares about them; sees them, hears them. 

Each time I go my bond strengthens; my love grows .... as unknown faces become familiar, names are committed to memory, and the occasional Tagalog word is exchanged. Relationships are surreptitiously forming and of this I must remind myself, as I walk away each time with feelings of inadequacy and frustration at my own limitations.... 

How could you not .... 

Thankfully, the story extends way beyond my capabilities .... together we make an army and, with each advancement, there is always victory....

Face painting by the 20 Koreans missionaries  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
Tracey Heppner - Charity's sister-in-law and photographer extraordinaire 
Korean show for Malabon!  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
Hard to hand back  - although diapers are not in great supply, so the longer the cuddle the greater the risk :)
As if I care!! Its worth it.
(photo by Tracey Heppner)
The Malabon Pharmacy and Clinic - GH van - air conditioning would be REALLY nice :)
(photo by Tracey Heppner)
Malabon community  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
So? What does he have, Nurse Jo? Aghh, I don't know!!!! Hindi ko alam :(
(photo by Tracey Heppner)
Head and Shoulder beauty salon .... not sure if its open for business!
(photo by Tracey Heppner)
Ate Charity - Malabon's blessing  (photo by Tracey Heppner) 
Colour your world  (photo by Tracey Heppner)  
Such beauty to be found  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
Charity just so happens to play the keyboard and sing .... and tends to the sick, speaks fluent Tagalog.....oh, need I go on!!  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
Just another great shot by Tracey!!!  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
Charity in action......  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
Oooo, and me in action!!!  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
 Shot of the day (photo by Tracey Heppner) 
Catmon 'square' - the heart of the community  (photo by Tracey Heppner)
Korean intercessory prayer for a guy that continues to defy all the odds (photos by me from here on in - sorry!)   
During a walkabout.... 

The love of the children ..... so generously offered and so gratefully recieved
So many test results to interpret. Gulp!!
Responsibility comes early
Face painting winner
Charity and Lina - on our way to visit a sick man in the community 
As we enter his home 
Hi back at ya! 
Ah, wrong turn on our walkabout....water is under this!! 

Visit Gentle Hands Facebook page for so much more....