Saturday, 21 June 2014

From Gentle Hands to loving hands…...

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting and getting to know Ronnie's forever family……

It was love at first sight … for Ronnie and for his parents, and well, for me, actually :) … I could not have hoped for more beautiful parents!

Side note: when a child is matched with a family, usually a few months before they arrive, Charity prints their pictures and places them above their bed …… and each day when they wake and each night before they fall asleep(and the time in between), the caregivers show them who their forever family is.

My point being….. he recognised them, he knew them… before he even met them. So amazing!

Ronnie and I arrived at Gentle Hands on the very same day… he was my first 'patient' - needing a cleft lip and palate repair … and he captured my heart from the very beginning.

I have watched him grow from a small, malnourished baby with an adorable personality … into a little man with an adorable personality!

It was hard to watch him being carried away from Gentle Hands … and gone forever… but the joy I felt from the wonderful life he had just been given way exceeded my loss…

… And I was blessed to catch a second glimpse of this … as his parents invited Judileth (his caregiver) and I to spend the day with them before flying back to their homeland. Memories I will treasure forever. THANK YOU Petteri and Leena!

Goodbye my sweet Ronnie… know you were always and will always be loved by everyone here at Gentle Hands. 

You are truly a special boy! 


Saturday, 7 June 2014

Its my birthday and I'll cry if I want to…….

I sit here wondering how I can possibly convey to you how my heart is feeling right now... 

… I feel so incredibly loved and blessed …… and it is all because of relationship.  There is no greater gift! 

I was awakened at 3.30am to the harmonizing tones of the neighborhood dogs…… it is nothing too out of the ordinary… albeit longer than normal… so I let their cacophony guide me back to sleep…

… and as I opened my door at 6am, I realized what the dogs had been informing their neighbourhood about…… there were birthday balloons spread across my entire front gate!!!

At 6am my heart erupted… which is some mean feat at that time … even coffee doesn't achieve that :)

I do believe Cher and the Gentle Hands boys have just given me THE most unique and exquisite birthday surprise I think I have ever experienced… and I am simply lost for words…

… And, as I walk into Gentle Hands, the Birthday blessings continue … no one forgets!!!!! … it is important to everyone … not merely the birthday girl!!! :)

… and then it was on to Malabon… our heart…

An amazing guy…. Dave…. does all!!!

How can that be anything but a birthday blessing!!!

And then home… for a quick shower ... and a little love on the neighborhood children!!!

…….  as they sang 'Happy Birthday Nurse Jo'!! Priceless :)
 I did, however, keep a few of my treasures!!

…… and then 'twas off to the movies with Jordan and Rachel… two amazing missionary girls … burgers, coke, and candy … 'tis my birthday after all! 

I am truly honored … blessed …… and forever humbled … to live this life and to have you all in my life!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

More than you will ever know……
